Christopher Steele

Christopher Steele was born in 1937, attended St Peters College at Hackney, South Australia, and from an early age was interested in trams and trolley buses, the latter because he grew up near the Tusmore trolleybus route in Adelaide.

From 1955, he studied at the then South Australian Institute of Technology and became a survey draftsman for the South Australian Engineering and Water Supply Department.

During an extended overseas trip in the 1960s he was able to work on the Bradford trolleybus system in England both as a conductor and driver, and later worked on the laying of new railways in Botswana. Using his experience as a surveyor, he assisted the City of Salisbury in laying of the track subsequently used by the Tramway Museum at St Kilda in South Australia.

Christopher was heavily involved with the Tramway Museum from its inception in 1957, being one the foundation members and Trustees. Christopher was also the Secretary of the Australian Electric Traction Association (SA Division) in its early years, advocating the retention of the trams in Adelaide.

Christopher passed away in 2015.